The Call:
Great mail art project
The Exhibition will take place in Milan,on the occasion of Salone Internazionale del Mobile from April 12, 2011 through April 17, 2011. Further details about the exhibition will follow.
Mail Art Call
"My everyday object" one object, one postcard
No returns
No participation fee
No selection/No jury
Free Technique
Postcard size only (A6 / 10,5 x 15 cm / 4.25" x 6"

All works must be sent by snail mail
Each participant can send one or more postcards for each object chosen: one object, one postcard.
DeadLine: 31st of March 2011
Documentation online at (please include your email address for notification of documentation)
Send to: Polifemo La Fabbrica del Vapore Via Procaccini 4 20154 Milano Italia