Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mail Out: Sylvie Galas, Aulnay sous Bois, FRANCE

The Blog:
Alfons Mucha
Theme: a mail art call to honor the painter Alfons MUCHA. He was born on July 24, 1860 in Ivančice (Czech Republic) and died just 70 years ago in Prague (on July 14, 1939). Please create to some extent, an homage to Mucha in the Art nouveau style.
Size: Maximum format A4
Technique/ Format: free
Please include your name, first name, addresses, site and/or blog.
Documentation to participants and works will be visible on the blog dedicated to this call.

Deadline to be received: December 31, 2009

Sylvie GALAS
7 rue de Normandie
93600 Aulnay sous Bois


1 comment:

Dean Grey said...


I love the look of the female figure in this one!

What a great illustration and a fun pose!
