Tuesday, April 27, 2021

"Tribute to Dante", Avellino, ITALY

1) Theme: “Tribute to Dante “ 
2) Size : A4 (21 x 29.7 cm) 
3) Technique: Free (watercolour, painting, drawing, collage, etc). , only original works, no copies. 
4 ) Free participation 
5 ) Is possible to send the works in DIGITAL FORMAT via form . If, at the end of the contingent measures due to the emergency, someone would like to send the postcards also in paper version, in this case it will be displayed the original postcards. Send mail to: MAIL ART TRIBUTO A DANTE C/O Generoso Vella – Via G. Basile 7 – 83100 Avellino 
6) The works will not be returned 
7) The images of works sent will be used by the organization in the manner and for the purpose it deems appropriate without any financial claim on the part of the artists invited to participate. In particular, it recognizes the right to use them in any communication and advertising. There will be extensive documentation for everyone. 
8) No selection, no sale, no jury, not-for-profit 
9) BE EXPOSED ALL RECEIVED MAIL ART ON THE THEME. Excluding the Mail art pornographic, racist, nazi, homophobic, blasphemous, sexist, etc. 
12) Deadline: 1 March 2021 
All the works will be published in a special Facebook album and virtual catalog. The exhibition at the end of the pandemic. 
For information: e-mail: generosovella@hotmail.it Facebook: @MailArtGenerosoVella - @nelsegnodellarte 

Generoso Vella 
Via G. Basile 7 
83100 Avellino 

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