FLUXUS NOW! (four perfs)
Mail art and Fluxus have been closely connected for over 40 years. as a celebration and exploration of the continuing vitality of both practices we are planning a mail art exhibit entitled FLUXUS NOW!.
Size/Medium/Technique: Free. Please send visual poems, soundworks, fluxus boxes, event scores, objects, images, books, booklets, TLPs, broadsides, manifestos, videos, and any other fluxus materials you find and/or create. critiques of this proposal are also welcome and will be included in the exhibit.
No jury. No fees. No returns.
Exhibition: the exhibit will be presented as a part of the 2010 Roanoke Marginal Arts Festival, February 11 - 16, 2010.
Documentation: Please include your email address for notification of documentation. Artwork will be documented on Flickr, as a pdf of the blog zine, and on the blog:
All work will become part of the textimagepoem archive of mail art and visual poetry.
Deadline to be received: February 1, 2010.
Jim Leftwich
525 10th Street SW
Roanoke, VA 24016