Monday, October 18, 2010

ATC Quarterly, Ontario, CANADA

Can you see a theme emerging here  . .  mailing for the ATC Quarterly

Royal Mail . . to the Palace SVP

Onward to the Castle . . 

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Add and Pass outgoing

Onward into the network realm

Friday, October 15, 2010

DodoDada, Claudio Romeo, MI, ITALY

A little late perhaps . . but mail is always good to get don't you think.
Check his site: DODODADA

Mail Out: Claudio, Milan, ITALY

Need a live personal Psychic

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mail Out: Victor, Dartmouth, MA, USA

Great Moments in Life
Book cover and collage

Mail Out: "Red" Castries, France

The Call:
Theme: RED (rouge)
The Françoise Giroud Library of Castries (France) organizes
from January 4 to January 31, 2011 a Mail-art exhibition.
All works will be displayed during the exhibition at the end of the year,
as well as on the Library's website at the following address :,
in the "Action culturelle et pédagogique / Art postal" section.

No jury, no fee, no return. Postal delivery only.
La médiathèque Françoise Giroud de Castries (34) organise
du 4 au 31 janvier 2011 une exposition d’art postal.

Nous lançons à cette occasion un appel à participation sur le thème Rouge.
Laissez libre cours à votre imagination, osez l’originalité, l’humour et la poésie,
afin de créer un œuvre postale insolite et originale autour du thème proposé.
Organisé pour tous, cet appel vous est donc ouvert, que vous soyez jeune/moins
jeune, expérimenté/amateur, seul/en groupe… C’est la diversité des œuvres
qui fera la richesse de l’exposition. 
Deadline: 1 November 2010
Send to:Art postal – Rouge
Médiathèque Françoise Giroud
15 avenue de la Cave coopérative