Theme: What is a universal language for you? In which manner do you communicate your dreams, energy and wishes to other people? What is the easiest way of communication and what does communication mean for you?
Please send me your interpretation of this phenomenon and give your creative energy to all people who will see this exhibition.
Technique: free
Size/Media: Preferable the work will be handmade on paper, (max. 2 works, size: 10 x 15 cm/up to 21 x 29 cm
Snail mail only.
No jury, no return, no fee.
Exhibition: during August 2010 in CEH (Centro de Estudios Hispanicos), Sarajevo
Documentation: Artworks will be permanently displayed on my blog http://universalartlanguage.blogspot.com/
Images of exhibition will also be e-mailed (include your e-mail address, name, surname, country, address and web site one exists).
Info: natasastanisic@gmail.com
Deadline to be received: July 31, 2010
Nataša Stanišić
Asima Ferhatovića 1
71 000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina